Monday, October 27, 2008

A Happy Lesson

In the begin, I need to said that my English is so poor. Everytime I contact something about English I have a little bit fear at heart deep place. So I cannot really enjoy a lesson about English. But there is something change in English writing lesson.
In that day, I thought the day will be same of yesterday. Nothing is going to change. But this idea did not keep long time in my mind. First, teacher asked us to open the program "Word" and stat to write something in sudden. I was so nervous and thought what a bad thing. Then,we just write about five minutes. Theacher ask us leave the computer we had used before and require us to pick one computer which is empty but not your to continue the paragraph. In my oppiniion,writing a paragraph is hard enough much less continue others paragraph. But I did not have choose. I sat down and did work that teacher asked. Next,we had write about four computers and teacher asked us to give a endding to the paragraph that you are writing. Finally,every paragraph was done. All of us get back to the sit. In that moment,I feel English could be fun. I though if every lesson like today I will expect for every lesson.

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